Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use Hex Colors on any of your plugins?

All abyss series plugins support hex colors in the #hex format, which can be used for messages, GUIs, and action titles. This is only available for 1.16 and higher as anything below that does NOT support hex colors and you have to use the default minecraft chat colors and their appropriate formatting.

Can I use additional effects on any of your messages?

You can add sound effects with configurable sound value, volume, and pitch, as well as an action bar, a title screen with both a main and sub title, and configure the fade in, stay, and fade out ticks for each title. Please refer to the following format when adding any of those:

"message name":
        enabled: true / false
        value: "ORB_PICKUP"
        volume: 1
        pitch: 1
        enabled: true / false
        value: "&aExample action bar"
        enabled: true / false
        title: "&aMain title"
        sub-title: "&Sub title"
            fade-in-ticks: 20
            stay-ticks: 20
            fade-out-ticks: 20
        enabled: true / false
            - "&aExample message line 1"
            - "&aExample message line 2"

How can I add a Skull/Player Head to a menu?

Setting the material of the item to either SKULL_ITEM or PLAYER_HEAD (version dependent) and then adding an additional field that is skull: <player name / base64 texture> would allow you to display that head in any GUI. Additionally you can any PlaceholderAPI placeholder in any of our GUIs, allowing you to display any needed info.

Last updated